A substation functions as the link between the district heating plant and your local heating circuit. It separates the water circuits physically and transfers the exact amount of heat / energy needed in the building under all conditions.
The Dalsia substation is the optimum solution for connecting to the district heating network and serves the different heating requirements of most buildings - residential as well as industrial.
Dalsia equals maximum flexibility. Our substations are available in all sizes from ~ 20KW up to 15MW+. We are also specialized in designing highly customized units in order to ultimately fit the client’s needs and requirements.
Dalsia is, in short a “plug & heat” solution made with components exclusively from leading manufacturers, ensuring the highest reliability, CE marked and certified according to DS/EN ISO 9001.
Our Expertise
Dalsia solutions have served international markets since 1993 with a continuous improvement in design and production capability. What started as a basic production unit is now a fully modern and advanced production facility which enables Dalsia to become an international expert for design and supply of heat substations in Europe.
Throughout the years and the multiple international projects that we have completed, we managed to master the heat substation design and its functionality. Our engineers work with us since the beginning and our success lies in their qualification and professionalism.
In May 2010 Dalsia opened a new production factory in Bulgaria in the industrial area near Strqma village, municipality Rakovski close to Plovdiv town. The investment in a building of 2200 sq.m and all necessary technical equipment guarantees a production capacity of more than 2000 district heating substations per year.
Most of the Dalsia substations are installed in modern and developing district heating networks all over Europe.